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Canonical visit

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 10/12/2019

3 commentario(i) ...

From 12 October to 29 November, the Philippine-Australia-Saipan-Taiwan Province welcomed and lived the Canonical visit of the General government in the person of Sr Aminta Sarmiento Puentes, Superior general and the General Councilors Sr Lucia Piai and Sr Marisa Loser. It was an opportunity for all of us sisters to revisit our own vocation and mission as Pastorelle, to contemplate God’s work in us and through us, our presence in the Local Churches and in the entire Church. Besides, we were enlightened to comprehend and deepen ever more the prophecy of pastoral motherhood. 

The sisters of the General government were able to visit all the communities in the four countries that comprise the Province. Where it was possible, they also met the respective Bishops, parish priests, priest directors and lay persons with whom are sisters are collaborating. There was appreciation and esteem for our pastoral charism and for the sisters’ dedication and zeal in the ministry of pastoral care.

The formators’ and the animators’ meeting with the General government were also venue to listen, understand, pray and discern on where the Lord is leading us in our journey in the field of formation and in the service of authority. 

We felt the closeness and the guidance of the General government in our journey. We are grateful for the experiences of fraternity, joy, simplicity, openness and trust. We are hopeful that the Holy Spirit may make the fruits of the Canonical visit abundant so as to be able to witness God’s love and compassion to our brothers and sisters in the Local Churches where we serve. 


Sr Puri L. Tañedo, sjbp

Leggi i commenti

Sr. Estelita (Australia)

15/12/2019 | 08:04

For the journey towards a deeper understanding of the reality of our province and of the sisters, thanks be to God. Thank you to the General and Provincial Governments

sr Maria Rosa Barison

12/12/2019 | 11:55

Complimenti per il cammino che state facendo... Grazie per la documentazione attraverso le foto.

Biancarosa Magliano

10/12/2019 | 15:39

COMPLIMENTI! e AUGURI Apro - ogni volta che ne ricevo la notizia - il vostro sito. Lo trovo fresco, quasi entusiasta e realistico, ossia vero, rispondente alla vostra vita, al vostro carisma. sr Biancarosa Magliano, fsp

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