Pastoral motherhood in St Joseph the Worker parish - North Reservoir (Melbourne)
Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan
Inserita il: 15/09/2019
4 commentario(i) ...
As Pastorelle Sisters, we live out our vocation of pastoral motherhood by sharing in the journey of God’s people in various events in life. Among other things, we support busy parents in the sacramental preparation of their children, especially in the happy celebrations of the Sacraments of Initiation.
In my pastoral care ministry in the parish of St Joseph the Worker, North Reservoir, alongside our pastor, Fr Emmanuel Bonello, I am involved in the preparation of parents and godparents for the baptism of their children and in accompanying parents in the preparation of the First Reconciliation and First Eucharist of their children. The whole parish welcomes and rejoices in these faith, community-building events.
Our spiritual support and guidance does not end in the celebration of the sacraments but we continue to entrust them in the hands of the Good Shepherd that He may inspire the parents and the young ones to grow to a deeper knowledge and relationship with the Lord.
Sr Estelita Manabo, sjbp
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Sr. Ignacia Coching
30/09/2019 | 09:29
Thank you, Sr. Estelita for sharing! Truly, by embracing the Sacraments with much love and enabling others to receive them is very part of our Partoral motherhood in the parishes and everywhere.
God bless you more!
Ir Joana Pagnoncelli
18/09/2019 | 20:38
Caríssima Sr Estelita. Com tanto piacere ti ho veduto tra la tua gente. Quanta nostalgia di poter vederti ancora. È stato tanto gradito il tempo vissuto a Traversari.Ti ho visto com salute, gioiosa, felice. Si perchè la missione ci riempie di gioia! Come stai. In quale comunità ti trovi, mi fa tanto piacere di sapere. Tanti auguri e cari saluti per te.Ir Joana
Comunidade de Pemba
16/09/2019 | 18:42
Carissima Estelita che meraviglia rivederti tra la tua gente... buona missione e ricordati di noi!
Revy Santiago, sjbp
15/09/2019 | 23:34
Well done, Sr Estelita. It is very inspiring to see how great your pastoral zeal is throughout all these years!
All the very best!