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Enlarged Provincial Council

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 01/05/2019

1 commentario(i) ...

“At least once a year, in determined time, the Provincial superior is to convoke an enlarged council which is made up by the superiors of the local communities or their representatives, by those in charge of formation and of subsidiary”
(Rule of Life 108.2).
Thus we celebrated the Enlarged Provincial Council last 25-27 April 2019 at the Provincial House. The first day of the Enlarged Provincial Council started with opening message of Sr. Arsenia G. Estrada, the Provincial Superior. In her introduction she reminded us of the importance of this gathering, in which all the Sisters in the Province are involved through their responses in the community evaluation. It is a venue to share and reflect together on the works of the Lord in our personal, communal and pastoral experiences in the past apostolic year and to envision our journey as a Province for the next apostolic year. She invited us to listen to what the Lord is asking of us with renewed enthusiasm and to be attentive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
In the first day was spent in contemplating on the Lord’s work in us and among us. There was the presentation of the symbols of each community, presented creatively by the respective superior. Then the School heads presented the journey of the two schools this scholastic year. We were also enlightened by the sharing of the three formators regarding the journey of our young formands in the Initial formation. The Councilors presented the synthesis of the evaluation of the communities by programmatic areas and their service to the Province for the apostolic year. We are grateful to the Lord for His presence and guidance in our journey.
On the second day, we were blessed by the presence of Most Rev. Socrates Villegas, D.D, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan who helped us reflect more deeply on the theme Prophecy of Pastoral Motherhood. He gave as a Premise the Apostolic Exhortations and teachings of Pope Francis. He pointed out six goals of the Church, we particularly as mothers, pastors and prophets: the call to holiness in the ordinariness of life, to favor personal encounter, the duty to challenge those entrusted to our care to be better Christians in following the Lord; accompaniment; discernment and the imitation of the virtues of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He invited us not only to imbibe the odor of the sheep and but also share the fragrance of being anointed by God through our baptism. There must be an exchange of odors. There can be no real motherhood if we fail to bring the fragrance of Christ, the fragrance of the Risen One to His people. 
The voice message of Sr. Aminta Sarmiento, the Superior general for her best wishes for the Enlarged Council Meeting started the last day which was dedicated to the various communication and planning for 2019-2020. We appreciate the closeness and accompaniment of the sisters of the General government in our journey. The three day gathering was concluded with Eucharistic Visit and the announcement of assignment of each sister inspired by the Responsorial Psalm on the Sunday Liturgy: “Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlasting”. (Psalm 118).


Sr Doris Arcon, sjbp

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Sr. Estelita(Australia)

02/05/2019 | 00:09

Very much with you in prayer in the days of the Enlarged Council.What have been heard, have been planned and have been decided for the coming apostolic year...may truly be lived seriously in our lives, thus each one of us making a difference first in our own community then outside the community...For us all, courage forward...

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