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Child and Youth Protection Catholic Leadership Conference in Camden, New Jersey

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 12/04/2019

1 commentario(i) ...

At a summit to discuss the scandals that have rocked the Roman Catholic Church,
Pope Francis said "the cry of the little ones seeking justice" had to be heard.
Details of sexual abuse have emerged across the world and the Church
has been accused of covering up crimes.
Survivors say new safeguarding protocols are needed to protect minors.

With the recent issues that lurk the Church regarding the sexual abuse, the Bishop of the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa, Saipan, Most Reverend Ryan P. Jimenez, encourages the community to be proactive in protecting children especially those who are entrusted to our care.
With the help of the Virtus Online training program, the Diocese started the process of awareness within the groups of clergy and staff last February in which the proper venue to discuss and converse about this issue were provided. 
I was privileged to attend a Conference hosted by the Diocese of Camden in New Jersey on the issue of Child and Youth Protection from March 24-27, 2019. The theme was “Promise to Protect; Pledge to Heal”. More than 200 representatives from Dioceses throughout the United States were present. There were also members from VIRTUS, a program which assists Dioceses to train their ministers and clergy to protect children from any form of abuse.
The speakers include the mental health experts addressing psychological issues and presenters from the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors. The first day of the Conference coincided with the Solemnity of Annunciation of the Lord which provided the Marian theme- Full of Grace. We were encouraged to be fully immersed in the presentations as well as to be continually inspired by Mary and to work together to protect the children in our communities.
As we continue to embark this initiative of awareness, the Diocese is also in the process of reviewing the Policy and procedures to be used in case there will be an allegation brought against a member of the staff or clergy within the Diocese. 
During the summer months, the Office of the Religious Education of the Diocese will conduct the VIRTUS Online training program to the Faith Formation and to the CCD on the different parishes. We hope that it will be a valuable program for members of about forty other Dioceses in the United States and elsewhere.  Let us continue to pray for the growth and well being of all the children of our island communities. 


Sr. Saturnina Caccam, sjbp

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Sr. Lily Ann delos Santos

14/04/2019 | 12:59

What a blessing and a privileged opportunity, likewise a delicate responsibility and very relevant ministry in our time. Know that we are behind you with our prayerful support. Keep it up, God bless!

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