“Vocation is today! The Christian mission is now!”
Governo Generale
Inserita il: 28/12/2018
5 commentario(i) ...
“Vocation is today! The Christian mission is now!
Each of us is called – whether to the lay life in marriage,
to the priestly life in the ordained ministry,
or to a life of special consecration – in order
to become a witness of the Lord, here and now.”
Pope Francis
Indeed, the call of God continues and we, who value the life we have embraced in order to give witness to the love of the Lord, feel the need to accompany the young in their search for God’s will in their lives. It is with these thoughts that we, in this community of Chicago started to invite young ladies from our Parish to a Vocation Orientation. We have been in this Parish for barely three months yet we were so happy and grateful that four young ladies responded to our invitation and joined us for our first session today.

Being the first session, we had the time for a casual sharing to know more about one another. They were able to share the reasons why they decided to come and what their expectations were. It is a reality in this part of the world that there is a limited presence of women religious, hence even these young ladies never had the chance to attend any vocation orientation in the past. What was so inspiring was that they truly value their faith in God and their service to the Church and they believe they also need to be enlightened as to what kind of life the Lord is leading them.
We briefly presented to them the meaning of vocation and how in whatever state of life the Lord maybe calling them, it remains a fact that life is about choosing and making decisions each day. Our one-and-a-half-hour discussion and sharing was culminated with a 30-minute prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, leading them to a deeper reflection as to what stood out for them during the discussion and how clearly they make decisions for their lives. This reflection was done in the light of Psalm 23.
This Vocation Orientation will continue every last Sunday of the month, from 4:30 to 6:00 pm and these young ladies expressed that they are happy to continue the journey.
We are grateful to the Lord that we were able to start this ministry to our young people. We are hoping that at some point along this process, the sessions would shed light in their decision making as to where their gifts, talents and passions can be more fruitful and in turn give witness and glorify the Lord in a much greater way.
With this beautiful blessing from the Lord of the harvest, we wish you all a blessed Christmas season, and may peace and joy reign in every person’s heart this New Year!
Greetings from Chicago, Illinois, USA!
Sr. Julia Nolasco and Sr Revelina Santiago, sjbp
Leggi i commenti
sr. estelita (Australia)
02/01/2019 | 23:45
May the Lord continue to bless the genesis of your ministry in Chicago. Coraggio avanti.
lucia piai
02/01/2019 | 10:51
Beautiful. God Bless your mission
Sr. Candida Australia
30/12/2018 | 01:20
dear sisters I am so happy that you are looking after the young people . they need orientation and testimony
of Christian life. We will pray that more pastorelle take this important mission. Have a New Year full of great Hope. Jesus Good Shepherd will be very please.
29/12/2018 | 11:16
Auguri e complimenti per il bell'inizio del vostro apostolato e missione a Chicago!!
sr Rita
29/12/2018 | 02:04
With you Srs Julia and Revy I rejoice and give thanks for this wonderful Christmas gift. Keeping you all i