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Provincial Assembly – Post Chapter Animation

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 26/02/2018

1 commentario(i) ...

The annual assembly of the PI-AU-SA-TA Province took place in the Provincialate, New Manila, from 27 to 30 December 2017. The words of St Paul to the Corinthians sum up the spirit that animated the gathering from start to end: “And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.” (2Cor 9:8). 

The assembly began with the Eucharistic adoration followed by the official welcome and opening address by Sr Arsenia Estrada, Provincial Superior. Sr Arsenia also warmly welcomed Sr Purisima Tañedo, the former secretary general who is now back in the Philippines. 
Part of the first day was dedicated to the sharing of life of the sisters; a communication of events in parishes, dioceses and family circles which were reasons for joy and sadness especially due to bereavement and natural calamities that caused much loss and suffering.
Sr Purisima had the task of presenting the work of the 9GC, highlighting the importance of a General Chapter in the life of the Congregation. Through the report of the Superior General, we reflected on significant events and cherished memories in the Congregation throughout the sexennial 2011 to 2017. We are grateful for the gracious and continuous movement of the Spirit in the story of each circumscription. Special mention was our shared journey with humanity, together with the Pauline Family in communion with the Church.  We are ever more conscious of our responsibility as a new era is dawning. 
The economic report was revisited and it was underlined that poverty is a wall that protects consecrated life. This raised the question for each sister to name one way on how we can live concretely evangelical poverty, toward an economy of communion at the service of the kingdom. Looking at the journey of the Congregation, we were asked to reflect individually and communally on what the Lord is telling. Furthermore, as a group, the question arose, on what are the prospective in the future of the Province?
The new modality of apostolic presence in response to the emerging pastoral demands was also explained.  Cultivating pastoral discernment in listening to the Spirit and in dialogue with the pastors; knowing the reality, the culture and the needs of the place where we are; establishing more stable communities with diversified pastoral presences are to be considered. New forms of collaboration among circumscriptions are to be encouraged.
Ample time was given for reflection and discussion on the general objective for the sexennial 2017-2023.  “We welcome from the Spirit and, like Mary, live the prophecy of pastoral motherhood which generates and safeguards life, in the communion of relationships, in a new missionary thrust, encountering the suffering humanity.” Blessed James Alberione told us “…the concept of motherhood is essentially integral to the vocation of a Pastorella”. (cf PrP IV, 1949).
Truly, these days of assembly were days of grace that allowed us to strengthen our bonds, and rekindle our faith in Christ Jesus in whom we are firmly rooted and who gives us the confidence we need to continue to live our pastoral motherhood today.

Pastorelle of PIAUSATA Province

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sr rosanna

27/02/2018 | 09:10

I am very glad to see you even in pictures! Thank you for the news regarding your provincial chapter. I pray for you and your future. Pray for me. Now I am in Negrar. sr Rosanna

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