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Women’s Spirituality Night St Francis of Assisi parish, Mill Park

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 24/08/2016

1 commentario(i) ...

Reaching Out was the theme of this year’s Women’s Spirituality Night held at St Francis of Assisi parish, Mill Park, on Friday 12 August 2016. The event has become a regular feature in the life of the parish, organised by the Committee on Women’s Spirituality Evening of which Sr Ignacia is a member. The theme echoed Mary’s attitude of reaching out to her cousin Elizabeth in her time of need (cf Luke 1:39-50).

The guest speaker is the highlight of the evening, with songs of praise and worship, door prices, a raffle and a delicious meal spread throughout the night. This year’s guest speaker was the renowned Moira Kelly, a most impressive example of someone who reaches out to people in need. The evening attracted more than 200 participants. 
Moira gave a moving presentation of her story and her work to help sick and wounded children anywhere in the world. She is well known for bringing Bangladeshi conjoined twins Trishna and Krishna to Australia for life-saving surgery in 2009 .  She spoke with passion and love, clearly never having counted the personal cost along the journey, and living out of a faith that can move mountains and move people to admirable generosity.
Moira has been described as “an extraordinary humanitarian, Australian and citizen of the world”. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of many like-minded people, she established the Children First Foundation in July 1999 so that all children could have access to excellent medical care when they needed it.
The links provided below give you a broader knowledge and appreciation of the extent of Moira Kelly’s extraordinary mission in the world. It was a privilege to be part of the Evening, to listen to Moira’s amazing story of love, and to be part of an event which helps build community and spreads good news. Everyone remarked what a worthwhile experience it was and in thanking the Committee for organising the event, there was a sense of looking forward to the Women’s Spirituality Night 2017.

Sr. Mary La Bruna, sjbp

Leggi i commenti

sr Rita

26/08/2016 | 14:59

Indeed great initiative, Moira is an inspiration to today' s people.

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