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St Paul’s Multicultural Group celebrates its 10º anniversary

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 21/12/2015

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On Saturday 28th November 2015, St Paul’s Multicultural Group, Coburg, gathered in the parish multi-purpose hall to celebrate the wonderful milestone of its 10th anniversary.  The Group is made up of families and young people belonging to the parish and beyond, and Sr Mia has been instrumental in its formation and development with the cooperation of adult coordinators and youth leaders. Present at the celebration were also the parish priest, Fr Sean, Fr Emmanuel, a student resident priest from Africa and a small group of Pastorelle Sisters.

The celebration began with a prayer service of thanksgiving led by Sr Mia in which she acknowledged the constant presence and goodness of God in the life of the Group. The prayer was followed by a message of congratulations from Sr Mary on behalf of the Pastorelle Sisters. She said that the Group is a living testimony that in today’s world it is possible for people of different nationalities and cultural backgrounds, people of different ages to walk together and grow together in faith, sharing life and service.

One of the highlights of the evening was the presentation of certificates to the coordinators in recognition of their generous commitment and shared leadership in the Group. Similarly youth leaders were acknowledged and presented with a certificate. Sr Mia pointed out that some of the youth leaders were only children when they first joined the community. There is still a very active children’s choir within the Group and they were visibly excited during the evening especially when Santa Clause came to visit bearing lots of gifts.
The presentation of the certificates was followed by a moving response from the leaders who shared how their lives had been transformed through their participation in the Group.
Another lovely part of the evening was the celebration of Lovie’s 60th birthday and the November-December birthdays of other members of the Group. Lovie is one of the pioneer coordinators that has been with the Group from the beginning.

Fr Sean expressed his gratitude for the presence e of the Multicultural Group in the parish and congratulated Sr Mia for her good work. He was gracious also in acknowledging the pastoral contribution made by other Pastorelle Sisters in St Paul’s parish in the past. 

The evening concluded with the blessing of the Advent wreathe that family members had brought with them, and the lighting of the First Advent candle. This was followed by the cutting of the cake and tea and coffee was then served. The final blessing was given by Fr Emmanuel.  It was a truly memorable occasion to celebrate the journey of l0 ten fruitful years of St Paul’s Multicultural Group. Deo gratias!


Sr Mary La Bruna SJBP

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Sr Rita

21/12/2015 | 21:40

Congratulation to all of you for your dedication and service to the Parish of St Paul. May your love and witness to being a follower of Christ become ever more one of giving expression to the mercy we are invited to give witness as we celebrate the Year of Mercy. Thank you for sharing such a hall mark!

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