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In memory of our Father Founder

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 02/12/2015

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At the kind invitation once again of Fr. Emmanuel Bonello and in the company of his parishioners of St. Joseph the Worker, North Reservoir, a Eucharist was celebrated at the vigil mass, on the 14th November 2015 to honour the memory of our Father Founder, Blessed James Alberione prior to the anniversary of his death on the 26th November, 1971. 
On this occasion we were happy to have the company of our Sister Disciples of the Divine Master, together with some of our co-operators and other friends.
The theme of the Gospel of the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” Mk13:31, could also be applied to the person and charism of Blessed James. After a short introduction by Sr. Doreen Bentley, we explored this with an excerpt from the Society of St. Paul’s documentary “The New Evangelisation”, which showed his humble beginnings and how he developed, from the purchase of an old printing press, (funded by a loan from his uncle), to his founding of the Pauline Family. This chapter 2 of the documentary emphasised his special appreciation of the role women already had and were to develop in the Church.
Refreshments were served after the Mass and this gave us the opportunity to renew acquaintances, which we commemorated with many photos.


Sr Doreen Bentley, sjbp

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