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Conversion to Communion

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 04/04/2015

1 commentario(i) ...

Inspired by the invitation of the Lectio Divina for Lent 2015 sent to us “to make Lent a real kairos, a time of grace for conversion”, we, the Jesus Good Shepherd School Community, has organized the JGSS yearly Lenten Recollection’s call for conversion, truly a personal, pastoral and communitarian one opened for all to further respond to the challenge of this new millennium “to make the Church the home and the school of communion”.  It was held on March 21, 2015 at the JGSS covered court. 
Thanks to the joyful collaboration and sharing of gifts for the service of the Church by the three school communities: the Juniorate, Postulancy and Imus Communities, in collaboration with the Parents of Jesus Good Shepherd School, particularly those of the graduating students, teachers and personnel. The Recollection was well participated and appreciated.  We particularly acknowledge the valuable contribution of our sick and elderly Sisters, the “power house” of Jesus Good Shepherd School Community, in uniting and lifting up to the Lord their own sufferings not only for the cares and concerns of our School, but for the needs of the whole Church.
Likewise, we are truly blessed to have with us, Rev. Fr. Danny Montana, RCJ, one of our former priest collaborators at Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Parish, Multinational, Paranaque City, who shared his expertise in a very spirited reflection on “The Abundance of God’s Love” to which he brought us back to the deep appreciation of our individual giftedness and blessings as God’s children, so with our privileged calling to share with Christ’s mission. His message was simple but meaningful, so beautifully summarized into 5 basic self-affirmations: 
"I am loved . . . I am blessed . . . I am grateful . . . 
I am forgiven . . .  I am happy to share". 
Surprisingly, the mixed small groups sharing that followed has obviously created an “alternate space” where self-giving, fraternity, embracing differences and love for one another was greatly felt.   To top them all, God’s cleansing power and holiness of divine presence would not have been complete without the healing power of the Eucharist that heightened the experience of God’s abundant love for us that day. 
For everything that has been, glory to you, Lord!  With friendship, communion and collaboration with one another, we pray that you may continue to transform us, to become true friends of God, collaborators of Christ and reconcilers of our time in this ministry of reconciliation, of bridging gaps--not dividing, not destroying, but building up--where your own dream--that “there be no more Jew nor Gentile, no more rich nor poor, no more male nor female” among us, but only brothers / sisters to one another and true children of God, becomes a reality!


Sisters of Imus Community

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Sr. Ignacia Coching

08/04/2015 | 10:58

It's always good to see you and to hear from your sharing dear Sisters!Your Recollection's input led me to rethink the message of Fr. Founder in 'Alla Sorgente'. Thank you so much!

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