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JGS School 50th Foundation Day Celebration

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 01/03/2015

5 commentario(i) ...

On February 12-14, 2015, our school in Imus City, Cavite, Jesus Good Shepherd School celebrated its Golden Anniversary of Foundation with the theme: “How Infinitely Rich He is in Grace”. The first day of our celebration started with a Thanksgiving Mass presided by the Bishop of the Diocese of Imus, Most Rev. Bishop Reynaldo G. Evangelista, D.D.  It was held at the new built Mary Mother of the Good Shepherd Chapel in our school. In his Homily, he reminded us of the beautiful image of Jesus as our Good Shepherd and he challenged us including the students to remain faithful to Him until the end.  Then a motorcade in some parts of Cavite followed.  In the afternoon, the exhibit was opened through the cutting of ribbon by Sr. Arsenia G. Estrada sjbp, Provincial superior and President of the JGSS Board of Trustees and Sr. Doris M. Arcon sjbp, Principal of JGSS.  The exhibit showcased the output made by the students and pupils in their different subjects. It also included the old annual books since the school started. 
The second day celebration was opened with a prayer service led by the Grade School Department. Exhibitions of drum and lyre band and Cadete Army Training (CAT) drills followed to present what they have learned throughout the entire school year training.  After the exhibitions, the Kinder, Grades 1-3 pupils played the “Palarong Pambata” a show case of the traditional Filipino games which are usually not given attention now because of computer games. Grades 4 to 6 pupils had the championship game in Basketball and Volleyball, being the winners during the Sports Fest in January.  In the afternoon, there were exhibition games of Basketball played by the Faculty and Staff, Drivers, Alumni and Varsity Players of our School in the High School Department.
On the third day of celebration, the Prayer Service was led by the High School Department.  Street dancing in the vicinity of our school followed in preparation for the field demonstration with the festival motives which are popular in the different parts of our country such as:  Panagbenga in Baguio, Pahiyas in Quezon, Sinulog in Cebu and Paru-paro festival and Karakol in Cavite.  In the afternoon, the school invited guests for the Acrobatic show.
The three-day celebration was also participated by the Pastorelle Sisters from different communities and by the parents of the school children and students and the Alumni of Jesus Good Shepherd School, who had their Grand Homecoming few days before this Foundation Day. 

Sr. Doris Arcon, SJBP

Leggi i commenti

sr rosanna

10/03/2015 | 11:11

I thank God with you for this golden jubilee. I entrust to the Lord each one of you and the preciuos commitment to the School. May Jesu Good Shepherd continue helping you. Best wishes for Easter.

Sr Marita

04/03/2015 | 06:23

You are great! Congratulations for the 50 Years of Service in Catholic Education! All the best for the next years to come toward the Diamond Celebration. More years of doing "mighty deeds" and being truly a "Mother Sublime" to the young people of Cavite and beyond . . . .

Nora Herrera

02/03/2015 | 06:05

Hermanas. Felicidades por el aniversario del colegio. Les deseamos que signa sembrando y cosechando muchos frutos espirituales para los estudiantes. Hermanas de México

Albina Bosio

01/03/2015 | 16:20

Sorelle Tanti auguri. Che attraverso la scula possano formare ai veri valori cristiani.

Pasquina Crepaldi

01/03/2015 | 11:55

Tanti auguri per il 50mo della vostra scuola. Accompagno ogni lavoro e progresso con la preghiera. Cari saluti a tutte sr Pasquina

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