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Visit of Pope Francis

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 21/01/2015

4 commentario(i) ...

Pope Francis’ visit to our country, the Philippines has definitely made a deep impact on all of us as a people. And as consecrated persons, he left us challenged to anchor our lives more seriously on Christ thus have a renewed commitment more demanding than how we think it only is. To truly live and share God’s mercy and compassion particularly to all those who are “poor” actually must shake the “easy and comfortable” life style of many of us, a timely call as we celebrate the Year of the Poor in this country.
We are grateful for the opportunity that some of us were able to participate in different ways during these days of Pope Francis’ visit which started on January 16 as we gather on the streets to welcome his arrival and ended on January 19, 2015 as he flew back to Rome. 
Some of our Sisters, together with their youth and family delegates, who are working in different parishes and dioceses were sent to be part of the various activities comprising this whole visit, such as the PCNE 2 – Philippine Conference on New Evangelization 2, the Eucharistic Celebration for the Clergy and the Consecrated Persons, the Meeting with the Youth and Families and the concluding Eucharist at the Quirino Grandstand in Rizal Park. Two of our Sisters, a teacher and 12 High School students also represented our Jesus Good Shepherd School in that said Meeting of the Pope with the young people in the University of Sto. Thomas.
Our Province was also happy and honored to welcome and accommodate the delegates from Taiwan, Fr. Joseph Tran Long Thang- Rector, Fr. Paul Chen Chun An - Prefect of Discipline, Fr. Augustine Tsang Hing To, Sj - Spiritual Director, Sr. Jessica Aglavia - Vocation In-charge,  Teresa Wu Hsueh Chu – Staff,  Wu Shu Mei – Staff and Lin Tsai Man – Staff.
With the big number of religious men and women in the Philippines, most of us just joined our people on the streets hoping to have a glimpse of Pope Francis. Many of us out on the streets didn’t even have the chance to see him at all but still were grateful to listen to his inspiring words as he spoke to us on those gatherings and be a part of this significant event in our country. Millions of us gathered in faith and joy at the concluding Mass and went home bringing with us the confidence that truly Jesus Christ is one with us and is with us in darkness and in light, for Pope Francis has allowed us to experience this truth in his very person. 
We are most grateful for your fatherly visit, Pope Francis! Arrivederci!


Sisters of the Philippines

Leggi i commenti

sr rosanna

01/02/2015 | 11:20

Dear sisters, I feel very happy with your for Pope Francesco visiting the Philippines. I prayed for you and your people remembering how your faith is manifested in many occasions. Reading some speaches I realize how Pope Francesco loves your country. God bless.

Sr Mary

30/01/2015 | 06:37

What an amazing and unforgettable faith-event for the people of the Philippines and for the Pastorelle Sisters; and inspiration for the whole world!


25/01/2015 | 16:27


Sr. Ignacia Coching

22/01/2015 | 11:47

I join you dear Sisters and the whole Church in the Philippines in joy and in gratitude for being blessed by the visit of the Holy Father. May we continue to be inspired by Jesus in Pope Francis!

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