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Melbourne: St Joseph the Worker parish, North Reservoir

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 02/12/2014

1 commentario(i) ...

It is an annual tradition for us to gather as a Pauline Family to commemorate the anniversary of death of Blessed James Alberione and to do so in the different parishes where we work in Melbourne.
This year we celebrated the event on 22nd November in the parish of St Joseph the Worker, North Reservoir, where Sr Estelita Manabo is involved in pastoral care ministry alongside Fr Manny Bonello, parish priest. 
Mass was attended by a large number of our Pauline Cooperators -Friends of Jesus Good Shepherd - together with the usual Saturday evening  congregation. Fr Manny kindly agreed for Sr Estelita to talk during Mass about Fr Alberione, his life, inspiration and foundation of the Pauline Family. This fitted in beautifully with the feast of Christ the King and the mission of the Pauline Family to live and to give Jesus Christ, way truth and life to the world using the most modern means of social communication. Many parishioners expressed their gratitude after Mass for the opportunity of a deeper knowledge of Alberione and the 10 branches making up the Pauline Family including our own Congregation.  
We were most grateful to Fr Manny for his exquisite hospitality and support of the event in his parish. The Tuesday Italian Group that works closely with Sr Estelita, very generously provided and helped serve the refreshments after Mass and for this we are very much indebted do them.
May Blessed James Alberione intercede for us that we may grow in our love for Jesus and his Gospel and share the gift with all we meet.

Sr Mary La Bruna, sjbp

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sr rosanna

07/12/2014 | 10:57

Carissime mi unisco alla vostra gioia per aver celebrato - come famiglia - la memoria del nostro Beato Giacomo Alberione. Il coinvolgimento di tutti per la buona riuscita della celebrazione sia di buon auspicio per la missione pastorale in Melbourne. Con un po' di anticipo, auguri di Buon Natale!

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