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Provincial Chapter – Phase 2

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 20/04/2012

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The PI-AU-SA Province’s 3rd Provincial Chapter on its Second Phase commenced on April 10, 2012 with a Spirituality Day focusing on theme of “compassion”. The 56 capitulars, including Sr. Doreen Bentley, who was the representative of HSS, Australia, plunged into each of the tasks necessary to achieve the goal of this second stage of the Chapter (cf Rule of Life 116 and Dir 116.1) the next day onwards.

Sr. Brenda Balingasa, the Provincial Superior was the President of the Chapter and Sr. Arsenia Estrada was the Facilitator. The following capitulars were elected as:

  • Scrutineers: Sr. Lily Ann Santos and Sr. Francisca Felix
  • Secretary of Information: Sr. Doreen Bentley and Sr. Ales Paz Pamplona
  • Secretary of the Chapter: Sr. Revelina Santiago, assisted by Sr. Victoria Sanchez and Shirley Torrente
  • Two Representatives to the CCC: Sr. Narcisa Penaredonda and Sr. Aida Virtudez


Some additional Input as part of enlightenment, which started during the Pre-Chapter in their December 2011 assembly, were imparted to the capitulars on the second day of the Chapter. The topics given were a brief orientation on the reality of HSS and Australia given by Sr. Doreen Bentley, the Indigenous Spirituality And Mother Earth Towards Transforming The Web Of Life, an input from the National Convention of the AMRSP shared by Sr. Arsenia Estrada, the Compassion for Mother Earth, an input from the National Convention of Formators presented by Sr. Narcisa Penaredonda and Sr. Marylin Delalamon, and a report on the realities regarding Vocation Ministry presented by Sr. Saturnina Caccam, the vocation directress of the Philippines.


The process of the Chapter comprised personal and group works, and reporting as well as critiquing of the result of the works done per area. The Specific Objectives for all the areas of the Province’s life and its corresponding Lines of Action and Motivations were unanimously approved. 


This Chapter begun and was concluded with a Eucharistic Celebration presided by Fr. Jose Aripio, SSP, the Provincial Superior of the Society of St. Paul and Fr. Miguel Concepcion, who was an assistant parish priest in Holy Cross Parish, Tanza Cavite, respectively.


After Sr. Doreen’s sharing of her experience and impression during the whole Chapter and the Chapter’s evaluation, Sr. Brenda Balingasa closed this Second Phase of the 3rd Provincial Chapter on April 14, 2012 with thanksgiving for the many graces the Province has received throughout these days. The capitulars joined their voices in praise to God as they prayed the Te Deum.


Sr. Revy B. Santiago sjbp

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