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Visit of Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle to Loyola College

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 29/09/2014

4 commentario(i) ...

Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, Archbishop of Manila, visited the Archdiocese of Melbourne in August 2014 as part of the Archbishop’s Office for Evangelization International Speakers Program. He led an inspirational Lectio Divina and celebrated Mass for about 2,000 people at St Patrick’s Cathedral. The music was provided by the Filipino Grand Chorus of Melbourne.  The event was a powerful witness of the people of God gathered around the Word and the Eucharist, nourished for mission.

Due to the brevity of the Cardinals’ time in Melbourne, Loyola College (Watsonia) was one of few places chosen for a visit. The blessing of the International House of Studies provided the happy occasion on 8th August, feast of St Mary Mackillop of the Cross. The visit was especially significant for us since Sr Nelia Llanto sjbp is the College-Family-Parish Liaison Person at Loyola College and Cardinal Tagle has been a good friend of the Pastorelle Sisters in the Philippines from when he was a young priest. 

It was indeed a privilege for the Loyola College community to welcome Cardinal Tagle as their honoured Pastor guest, and for us Pastorelle to be part of the occasion. After the blessing of the International House, the Cardinal shared the story of his vocation and made a big impression on everyone present, especially the students who asked him many questions. 

Mr Joe Favrin, Principal of Loyola College, together with his dedicated Staff and the participation of the school captains and students from Mackillop House made the day an unforgettable event in the history of the College. The gift that the College amiably gave Cardinal Tagle will be for him a reminder of his very welcome visit to Loyola College. 
We give thanks!

Sr Mary La Bruna, sjbp

Leggi i commenti

Sr. Sue

19/10/2014 | 14:55

Am so happy to see you Sr. Nel and Sr. Neneng with Cardinal Tagle. I'm greeting you now from the Philippines. Hope to see you soon, Sr. Nel and thanks for your Community greetings through Sr. Mary. Keep up the "Pastorelle Spirit""

sr Luigia Cuffolo & community

04/10/2014 | 14:41

Bella la visita del card. Tagle, la sua persona e la sua parola sono state certamente un bel segno di fratellanza e di vicendevole incoraggiamento nell'impegno di annuncio del Vangelo. Da lontano abbiamo fatto festa con voi. Un abbraccio a tutte.

Estelita (Australia)

01/10/2014 | 10:56

Cardinal Tagle's visit to Australia is a blessing. The Pastorelle in their ministry with the youth were blessed with the encounter with the Cardinal...congratulations sisters.

sr rosanna benedetti

30/09/2014 | 12:02

Good to see sr Nelia in her ministry during Card Tagle's visit to Melbourne. May God bless the Filipino cardinale and the Filipino people everywhere.

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