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The Pauline Family in Melbourne celebrates

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 04/09/2014

5 commentario(i) ...

The celebration of the 100 years of foundation of the Pauline Family is for us a time to rejoice, to remember, to give thanks and to renew our trust that the work that God has begun will be brought to completion in his time.
On Saturday 30th August 2014, members of the Pauline Family in Melbourne gathered with a group of Cooperators and Friends for a day of reflection on the origins of the Pauline Family  focussing mainly on our Founder, Blessed James Alberione, Venerable Mother Thecla Merlo, Venerable Mother Scholastica Rivata and Blessed Timothy Giaccardo. The day was facilitated by Sr Doreen sjbp and it included input from members of the Pauline Family, time for quiet prayer and a shared lunch.
At the start of the day Sr Doreen gave a brief presentation of Fr Alberione. She quoted the words that Paul VI used to describe him at the Audience of 1969 when Alberione was 85 years old.  He is a marvel of our time. "Here he is: humble, silent, tireless, always vigilant, ever recollected in his thoughts that run from prayer to work, ever attentive to the ‘signs of the times,’ that is, the most ingenious forms of reaching souls, our Fr. Alberione has given the Church new instruments to express herself, new means to add vigor and breadth to her apostolate, a new capability and new awareness of the validity and of the possibilities of her mission in the modern world and with modern means”… Doreen also made reference to the title Pope John Paul II attributed to him as “prophet of the new evangelization”. 
Sr Doreen also reminded us of the great love Fr Alberione had for his sons and daughters in six continents and how, we are told, he stood each night before an open window in his small bedroom, to bless them all.
Sr Estelita sjbp presented the ten branches that make up the Pauline Family giving a brief description of each Institute and highlighting the reality of the world into which Alberione felt called to do something for the people of the 20th century. 
Sr Mildred fsp shared a lovely PPT presentation on Venerable Mother Thecla Merlo, co-foundress of the Daughters of St Paul. She portrayed her as a woman of great faith and passion for the mission entrusted to her and companions.  One quote from Sr Mildred’s presentation captures something of her spirit:  “I am extremely happy with my vocation. I wish I had a thousand lives so as to dedicate them all to this noble apostolate, even in the midst of many troubles and problems.” 
Sr Paolina pddm felt privileged to speak of Venerable Mother M. Scholastica Rivata, the first Sister Disciples of the Divine Master and first Mother General who distinguished herself for her trust in God and whose motto throughout her life had been: “Lord, you alone are enough”. A disciple imbued with a wisdom drawn daily from the Eucharist and the Word of God. Sr Paolina also made reference to Mother Scholastica’s unwavering obedience to the directives of the Founder and her love for her Sisters.
Sr Doreen sjbp also spoke of Blessed Timothy Giaccardo who was the first priest in the Society of St Paul and who served as the Vicar General of the Society which Fr Alberione had founded in 1914. He became Alberione’s “right hand man” and closest friend and was called by him the “most faithful of the faithful”.
At the conclusion of the day, our co-operators were invited to contribute their impressions and ask questions, such as: “You all have different works, do you have something in common?” We answered: “We have the one father and our main devotion is to Jesus, The Way, The Truth and The Life.
We then finished with prayer and the invitation to come together again for the Eucharistic celebration in commemoration of the 43rd anniversary of the death of Fr Alberione, which will be celebrated at St Joseph the Worker Parish, North Reservoir on 22nd November 2014.

Sr. Mary La Bruna, sjbp

Leggi i commenti

sr rosanna

08/09/2014 | 17:22

It's a pleasure to see the Pauline Family in Melbourne for celebrating the 100 years of foundation. Thank you for the "news". I pray for each one of you and I entrust everybody to Jesus Good Shepherd and your future.


05/09/2014 | 02:40

We thank the Lord for the graceful day of our Pauline Retreat, a significant and a relaxing one with everybody who came. Thank you Father Founder for interceding for us.

Sr. Ignacia Coching

04/09/2014 | 13:56

Thank you Sisters and friends for all the sharing and presence! May we continue to ask the intercession of Blessed James Alberione and all our Pauline Saints for us to grow in virtues and holiness of life.

sr Rita

04/09/2014 | 12:39

What a interesting and meaningful way of celebrating the 100 years of the Pauline Family. Thank you for sharing something of the life our "Fathers and Mothers" in faith and in the Pauline Spirit. What a creative way of involving the members of the Pauline Family!

Sr M. Paolina,

04/09/2014 | 10:41

Thanks to our Pastorelle Sisters , It was truly a beautiful day, And most of all the I am a member of the Pauline Family.

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