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Saipan Community

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 10/08/2014

4 commentario(i) ...

The new community of Saipan started the apostolic year 2014-2015 towards the end of their busiest time of apostolate where there are Confirmation and First communion rites in the parishes and inter parochial games are being held at Mt. Carmel School in all Saturdays of the month onwards. The two sisters, Sr. Marita Siochi, SJBP and Sr. Emma Lusterio, SJBP together with the Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa,  Fr. Ryan Jimenez, welcomed the arrival of the new community member, Sr. Saturnina C. Caccam, SJBP last June 12, 2014. 
The new adjustments happened within the realm of orientation to the different schedules, places and people who will soon be a part of the community’s life. Since the two sisters had  not yet done their annual retreat, practically, the new community begun their first journey in an eight days encounter with the Lord in Maturana House of Prayer facilitated by a Mercedarian Sister. The grace of each moment allowed them to celebrate the wonderful things the Lord has done and the opportunity to know each other’s journey of faith in the different sharing done in the course of every session.  Indeed, the Spirit is working because the retreat’s theme of prayer was accompanied by the teachings of Pope Francis’ about the gifts of the Holy Spirit that in the end they are convinced that they are indeed blessed and called for a mission in Saipan.
At the onset of the community’s journey, the Holy Spirit paved the way of the renewal of thoughts, hearts, will and soul that will soon blaze the fire of making themselves the spirit-filled evangelizers as Pope Francis describes in his encyclical letter Evangelli Gaudium,” ….evangelizers who proclaim the good news not only with words, but above all by a life transfigured by God’s presence.”
The beginning of July marks the end of Sr. Emma’s visit to the different parishes for the youth’s evaluation of the recent youth camp held just last year. This will help the committee to plan and discuss for the next youth camp to be held this year. The youth of Tinian was the last group to be visited. Such was the opportunity to go across the island for an evaluation session.  Fr. Jesse welcomed the two sisters in his parish and a good chance to see the island’s site even in a very limited time.
A month after Sr. Nina’s arrival in Saipan, her primary assignments were given to her: to serve as Parochial Assistant every Tuesday and Wednesday in San Antonio Parish and as a CCD Coordinator in San Vicente parish from Thursday to Sunday. Moments of adjustment go with a series of orientations, schedules and different occasions to be acquainted with the people in the parish.
The Diocesan youth commission visits the different parishes
Inter-Parochial Basketball tournament of Altar Servers and Youth was officially opened on June 14, 2014. The other games will continue every Friday and Saturday until August 2, 2014. 
This will, indeed, enhance a more active and better participation on their part in Church’s activities and programs with the hope that this will pave the way for a deeper spirituality.
Parish Feast day
The Patronal Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel was held in the parish on Sunday after the Feast on July 16, 2014. Outdoor/indoor and parlor games were held to strengthen the bond of relationships among the parishioners.
First Communicants
The eleven first communicants (five girls and six boys) with Fr. Florentino Daynos II and their parents.  Sr. Marita Siochi team-teach with three teachers in preparing them for first confession and first communion from July 4 to 31 Monday to Saturday – four hours a day. 
The community looks forward to more surprises as they continue to journey together in the different parishes where they are assigned. Gratitude to Jesus Good Shepherd who enables them to share the pastoral ministry in the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa.


Sisters of Saipan Community

Leggi i commenti


18/05/2015 | 21:51

Mucho ánimo a las Misioneras Mercedarias de Bérriz (España) establecias en Saipán en 1928.

sr rosaria

18/08/2014 | 17:38

auguri alla nuova comunità!!! Il buon Pastore benedica, insieme a Maria sua Madre, il vostro apostolato!

Ma.Veronica m.Gungon

14/08/2014 | 02:15

Nice to see you as a community and wish you all the best as you journey with the flock entrusted into your care.God be with you!

Sr Mary

12/08/2014 | 15:42

Best wishes dear Marita, Emma and Nina as you begin your journey as a community, the smiling trio! Sharing faith, hope and love with the people of Saipan. United in prayer.

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