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First Profession Sr. Won In Suk Gabriella

Regione Corea

Inserita il: 23/03/2012

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Korean Delegation
First Profession
Sr. Won In Suk Gabriella
February 2, 2012
“I am the Lord’s servant,…
may it happen to me
as you have said”
Lk 1,38
During the Feast of the Dedication of Jesus, Novice Gabriella made her First Profession of vows at the Formation House chapel, in Mubong ri. Rev. Fr. Hwang Ignacio of the Society of St. Paul presided during the mass. The present parish priest of Navity Parish in Dobongsan (where Novice Gabriella belongs before entering the convent) and the former parish priest who is now on Sabbatical Leave in the U.S. also concelebrated during the mass. Some parishioners also came to join in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
Signing of the documents on the altar.
The meaning of the Congregation’s insignia is read
During her novitiate, Nov. Gabriella has watercolor sketched during her meditations and she compiled them. She brought this to the altar during the offertory procession, while her mother brought water and wine.
Nov. Gabriella’s mother and elder brother joined her in her life offering. Her deceased father was surely with them in spirit.
The sisters are very happy and congratulated now Sr. Gabriella.
The priests who concelebrated during the mass.
With her formator from Aspirancy to the Novitiate: Sr. Kim Jeong Ja Bernardetta and Delegate Superior Sr. An Bok Nye Teresa.
With parishioners from the Nativity Parish
Simple agape and program after the mass.
In response to everybody’s greetings, Sr. Gabriella sang a Good Shepherd song with joy as a sign of gratitude.

Pastorelle Sisters of Delegation of Korea

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