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Spirituality Evening for Women... Christmas in July...

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 29/07/2014

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On Saturday, 19 July 2014, the parish hall of St Francis of Assisi, Mill Park, was the venue for a Spirituality Evening for Women, an event that has become an integral part of the life of the parish.
The evening was organised by a Committee of women coordinated by Sr Ignacia Coching. This year the event attracted 138 participants.  The theme for the night was “Mary and her role in the Infancy Narratives” and the guest speaker was Sr Michele Toussiant of the Congregation of the Family Care Sisters. 
The evening was structured around songs of praise and worship led by two very talented women: May Park and Anna Barber, a lovely meal, the reflection by Sr Michele and a fun-raffle which gave many participants the joy of winning one or more prices.  On each of the tables the parish Wellness Group had prepared a symbolic Christmas bon bon for each person with in it a chain with a little angel and a reflection on womanhood. 

During her talk Sr Michele highlighted how Mary’s Yes to God called for a total dependence and trust on her part, and openness to a future that God was promising. In the course of her reflection, Sr Michele also gave the audience the opportunity of engaging in some discussion and personal sharing. One of the questions she asked was: “Can you recall a time when God has interrupted your life, a time when God has asked you to do something difficult?  The sharing among the group of women in my table was very personal and inspiring; an experience of faith that is alive.
The parish priest, Fr Anthony Girolami, formally welcomed the participants at the start of the evening and said the prayer of blessing before the meal after which he graciously left since the night was a gathering for women only. 
Everything about the evening was uplifting and much appreciated and many of the women said they were already looking forward to the 2015 Spirituality Evening. 

Sr Mary La Bruna, sjbp

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