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Companions in the ways of faith

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 23/06/2014

1 commentario(i) ...

As Pastorelle Sisters we are called and empowered by the Holy Spirit to be signs of the compassion of Jesus whose love reaches all people, in all circumstances of daily life. We are called to be companions in the ways of faith and search for meaning… to animate the parish in faith and charity… to pray for and with the pastors as well as for and with the people to whom we are sent…
The parish community of St Paul, Coburg, with Fr Sean O’Connell as parish priest, is blessed with the presence of Sr Mia Garnace who has been journeying with the parish multicultural community for many years, currently only part-time due to her undertaking full time studies at the Australian Institute of Family Counselling.
With the cooperation of three Coordinators, Sr Mia provides a wide range of opportunities that allow people to grow in their faith, explore different ways of praying, serve the parish community in a diversity of ministries, and form deep fraternal bonds as a Christian community made up of people from different countries and different cultural backgrounds, as well as being of different ages. Regular social activities are also a part of their annual program.
The multicultural community is made up of adults, young children and teenagers and Sr Mia endeavours sensitively to run programs that suit their ages and help them experience faith as an integral part of their life and an unfailing source of strength, making them joyful disciples of Jesus and his witnesses in the wider community.  The growing demand for individual and family counselling has required Sr Mia to take up formal studies in counselling.
Family prayer in the home, especially the prayer of the Rosary, the Taize’ prayer with adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Mothers Prayers Group, the formation and accompaniment of leaders,  Kids night with fun and games, and animating the Sunday liturgy as parish choir are some of the expressions of the life of faith of St Paul’s multicultural community.
All this brings to mind the words of our Founder which we read on the first day of the novena to St Peter and St Paul: “Souls that love Jesus carry with them the fruit of sanctity which is reflected towards all the souls they come close to. Your love of Jesus is rendered concrete by your love towards souls:….” (PrP VIII, 1957).

Sr Mary La Bruna sjbp

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sr.Tarcisia Magarotto

23/06/2014 | 11:15

Leggo sempre con molto interesse le vostre notizie. con la novena degli apostoli Pietro e Polo avete voluto condividere la vostra gioia e la vostra esperienza pastorale. Grazie.Buona festa! Auguri

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