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Silver Jubilee: A year of grace to look back and give thanks

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 28/05/2014

3 commentario(i) ...

Looking back at our journey twenty-five years ago, we can’t help but feel with much awe and wonder for all the blessings the Lord has done in our life. Despite our imperfections, His goodness to us has been bountiful and His mercy is limitless. 

Thanks to the intensive spiritual preparation we had for our Silver Jubilee. God speaks to us in many different ways; His presence is manifested in every person we encounter, in every circumstance of our life and in the Scriptures we read. They are all confirmations of God’s faithful love to us. And so, our hearts are overflowing with gratitude to God for having called us, for having chosen us and for sustaining us all through the years. Indeed, we owe everything from the Lord who has called us. We have nothing of our own; everything comes from Him; everything is grace.

With joyful thanksgiving, we ponder in our hearts the encouraging homily of the Most Rev. Reynaldo G. Evangelista and the inspiring words in the Scriptures assuring us of God’s fidelity and unwavering promise: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you: I have called you by name; you are mine, since you are precious in my sight and important, for I have loved you” (Isaiah 43:1-4). “The mountains may depart and the hills may be moved, but never will my love depart from you nor my covenant of peace be removed” (Isaiah 54:10). 

Thank you, dear Lord! We know that all things work for good of those who love you and are called according to your purpose (cf. Rom. 8:28).

Sisters Janette, Edith, Vicky e Celia

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sr rosanna benedetti

30/05/2014 | 17:45

Dear sisters: Jeanette, Edith, Vichy, Cecil: congratulations for your silver jubilee! I pray for you and thank God for the blessings you received in your life and ministry. Looking forward to you golden jubilee I entrust you to Jesus Good Sheperd. Pray for me. Love

Sr Mary & Sisters

29/05/2014 | 03:33

Dear Srs Vicky, Edit, Celia and Janette, how rich your preparation and celebration of your Silver Jubilee! We rejoice and give thanks to God for each one of you! Congratulations!

Teresa An

29/05/2014 | 02:13


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