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San Fernando Community

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 06/05/2014

3 commentario(i) ...

In the year 1985, upon the request of the late Most Rev. Salvador Lazo, D.D., the opening of the Pastorelle Sisters in San Fernando Community, La Union marked the pastoral insertion of our Congregation in Northern Luzon. The humble beginning of this community has always been blessed by God in so many ways as we increased our involvement in the apostolate from parish to the Diocesan level: Diocesan Catechetical Coordination, Diocesan Social Action Commission, Diocesan Youth Animation, Diocesan Vocation Promotion and Spiritual Direction to the Diocesan Seminarians.

Under the adept guidance of Most Rev. Rodolfo F. Beltran, D.D, present Bishop of the Diocese of San Fernando, La Union, three Pastorelle Sisters extend their pastoral ministry in the diocesan and parish level. Sr. Lucita P. Saligumba is the community animator and coordinator of the Diocesan Social Action Commission (DSAC), Sr. Lolita J. Guibac coordinates the Diocesan Ministry for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People (DMMI), while Sr. Shirley Torrente takes care of the Diocesan Youth Ministry, Parish Youth Ministry in St. William the Hermit Cathedral and Religion Coordinator in Sacred Heart School and St. Peter & Paul Learning Center. 

The Diocesan Social Action Commission (DSAC) of San Fernando, La Union has become an important arm of the Catholic Church and a powerful tool for integral evangelization. It reaches out to the poor and powerless members of our society. It responded to the call of the times in its assistance to the victims of the typhoons and other calamities, its continuous scholarship grants to poor but deserving students, its extension of medical and dental help to the missions in the different parishes, and its efforts to provide knowledge to farmers on sustainable agriculture and protection of the environment. The DSAC also provides opportunities for out-of-school youth and adult who lack education to attain functional literacy through the Home Study Program, Re-Entry Education Agenda for the Poor (HSP-REAP). It caters learners who are determined to finish not only elementary but also secondary education for free and without attending regular classes: no cards, no grades but set of competencies to be mastered.

To respond to the serious concern of the Church on migration, the Diocesan Ministry for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People (DMMI) offers assistance to Overseas Filipino Workers (land-based and sea-based) and their families in their various problems. The DMMI coordinates with the different government and non-government agencies, parishes, public and diocesan schools; family visitation is conducted to the families of migrants, referral of some cases, the development and enhancement of family relationships, teaching them to recognize the value of hard work and diligence and most especially their spiritual upliftment.

The Diocesan Youth Ministry (DYM) of the Diocese of San Fernando de La Union has reorganized this apostolic year 2013-2014. Twenty-eight youth leaders from 28 parishes underwent a Leadership Training Seminar-Workshop followed by election of officers who assumed key positions in the DYM. In view of their vision, “We envision a formed and prayerful youth”, they are spearheading the implementation of the programs and various activities in the diocesan, district, vicarial, zonal and parish level. The DYM Council formed a team to visit the different parishes to ensure the common journey of all the youth in the diocese. 

San Fernando Community

Leggi i commenti

Sr Mary

13/05/2014 | 14:27

A vibrant apostolic community at the service of the local Church - a joy to see!

sr.Candida De angelis

06/05/2014 | 14:40

Congratulation, may Jesus Good Shepherd bless all of you for the very important apostolate.\r\nI will pray for you.

Sister Estelita(Australia)

06/05/2014 | 11:37

Congratulations for your beautiful ministries in the diocese of San Fernando, covering various areas. The sisters surely will win souls for God because of your joyful service. More blessings to your pastoral involvement. With prayer, Sr. Estelita

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