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“Alay-Lakad Para sa Pananampalataya” (A Faith Walk)

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 28/03/2014

2 commentario(i) ...

Pope Francis has been repeatedly telling us, Catholics, “You must go into the world of the family, of business, of economics, of politics, of education, of the mass media and the social media, to every human endeavor where the future of humanity and the world are at stake and to make a difference, the difference that the Gospel and the grace of Christ bring to human affairs.”

Prompted by this fiery admonition of our Holy Father, Jesus Good Shepherd School in line with the 3-year preparation for its forthcoming 50th Year Anniversary Celebration in 2015, has organized as part of its major activities what in a layman’s term is popularly called “Fun-Run”. It is a long run or part-marathon run for exercise and pleasure, often by large numbers of people. It is commonly used in the Philippines as a fund raising activity in which the runner participants contribute a designated amount for a specified project.  In our case, however, this activity was named “Alay-Lakad Para sa Pananampalataya” (A Faith Walk).

As the name denotes, its main purpose was not to raise funds, but to inculcate in the moral consciousness of our people the ‘sacredness’ or redemptive value of this simple exercise which lies in the sense of sacrifice and loving offering of oneself as a personal response to one’s baptismal calling to be “true to my faith”, the JGSS motto. Hence, it was a good opportunity to remind even us, Sisters, how any ordinary act of each day done with love and for love in Jesus’ name becomes “sacred and holy”.  Recognized or not, nothing is insignificant in the eyes of God who receives our offering from the heart. 

To ensure that this meaningful activity will be appreciated and participated by many, parents, teachers, school personnel and students were gathered for a brief catechesis / orientation on the project. The whole JGSS community in cooperation with the four Pastorelle Communities of Cavite, were mobilized to prepare the way for this big event held on February 15, 2014. And so, according to our faith, it was granted. Far beyond our expectation through God’s intervention, a huge crowd of families, alumni, teachers, personnel and Sisters responded to the call with joyful hearts unmindful of the distance and early morning rising (before 4:00 a.m.) to avoid causing inconvenience to motorists along the streets.

Families and individuals who reached the designated finished line ahead of the others were given surprised recognition and simple tokens. To top it all, the participants were invited to gather for a common grace before meal in order to partake together in the open field what seemingly appeared to be another Jesus’ multiplication of the loaves. Truly, God is with us! As what Evangelii Gaudium No. 71 says, “We need to look at our cities with a contemplative gaze, a gaze of faith which sees God dwelling in their homes, in their streets and squares. God’s presence accompanies the sincere efforts of individuals and groups to find encouragement and meaning in their lives. He dwells among them, fostering solidarity, fraternity, and the desire for goodness, truth and justice. This presence must not be contrived but found, uncovered. God does not hide himself from those who seek him with a sincere heart, even though they do so tentatively, in a vague and haphazard manner.”
What more can we say? “To the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we return the honor, glory and praise!”

Jesus Good Shepherd School Community

Leggi i commenti

Sister Estelita(Australia)

04/04/2014 | 09:42

May the effort and sacrifices that the young ones, the teachers and the sisters had pulled together for this initiative bear fruit...inspiring other people to the faith in the Lord. With prayers, Sr. Estelita

Sr Mary

29/03/2014 | 11:12

What a wonderful initiative and such an enthusiastic faith-filled response - so uplifting - well done.

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