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2013 Pastorelle Vocation Promotion Project

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 30/12/2013

1 commentario(i) ...

After long days of intense prayer and varied preparations in the spirit of thanksgiving to the Lord for the 75 years of faithfulness to our Congregation, the three Zonal Areas comprising the Quezon City Area, Cavite and Northern Luzon, have meaningfully accomplished its Vocation Promotion zonal initiatives.  

This  vocation project was started by the 3 communities in Broadway, Quezon City, who joined hands in holding its Vocation Day on September 8, 2013 at the Provincialate House where 12 college students from the nearby different universities attended. The session opened with a 30-minute Eucharistic Adoration, followed by the getting-to-know activity, group sharing, and brief talk explaining the meaning of the term “vocation” and the beauty of the 3 states of life; after which the girls were grouped again for the individual sharing of  their significant experience of the whole afternoon.  

The Cavite Area had for its preparation the monthly visit at the start of the school year to the different universities around Cavite and nearby parishes to coordinate with the Parish Priests the proposed overnight Vocation Camp.  It was blessed with 44 prospective candidates from Cavite Area and Metro Manila who joined the Camp on October 19-20, 2013 held at the Jesus Good Shepherd School Gymnasium, Imus City.

The participants were challenged by the invitation right at the welcome address, “Why on earth am I here for?  Life must be more than just existing; let us together seek its purpose”, and Pope Francis words to the youth, “Jesus is calling you to be a disciple with a mission.  Go . . . do not be afraid . . . serve”!

One of the Vocation Camp’s aim of providing our participants an experience of God’s presence – an encounter with Him, was realized through the organized different moments of prayer which enabled the Group to pray deeply and share themselves intimately with one another. The next talk on the Vocation Camp’s theme: “Pagtanaw sa Bokasyong Pastoral” (Deeper Looking at the Pastoral Vocation) clearly presented the nature of vocation simply as “what God calls you to do with your life” . . . the 3 options or states in life pointing to one calling - a call to HOLINESS as lived by the Pastorelle Sisters through the pastoral charism.

The “open house tour” to the 3 communities in Imus (Juniorate-Postulancy-School Community) was a rare privilege and an exciting experience the participants appreciated very much. The day was culminated with the Eucharistic Celebration presided by Fr. Jess Guzon, SSP, who gave a very fiery deepening of the pastoral vocation - a vocation with the ‘heart’, in his homily. 

An Advent Recollection for the above participants was conducted as follow-up activity of this Camp. 

The Northern Luzon, the last zonal group, had their vocation project held at the Diocesan Seminary of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the morning of December 14, 2013 with 5 participants. 

We earnestly hope that the young girls  who attended the above mentioned Vocation Promotion in the three zonal areas, have returned to their respective homes, workplaces, Christian communities and elsewhere,  enkindled with the burning desire to reflect on their experience and eventually consider their option for the particular state of life they are being led to. Likewise, we pray that through their interactions with one another, a sense of community was re-awakened in their hearts that stirred them to share to many others their own stories of the Good News they received during this 2013 Pastorelle Vocation Camp.

Pastorelle Sisters

Leggi i commenti

sr Rita

01/01/2014 | 09:41

What a gift! The use of one's love, commitment and creativity at the service of fostering and accompanying the small shoot of a vocation. Thank you for sharing this experience and may the Good Shepherd bless every one of your endeavours.

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