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Pauline Family Celebrates Feast of Blessed James Alberione

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 29/11/2013

3 commentario(i) ...

“In his goodness, God in Jesus Christ, has bestowed overflowing riches of grace on the Pauline Family.” (AD 4) For Blessed James Alberione, Jesus our Master-Shepherd is the source of everything we have had.  He never gets tired of seeking and taking good care of us, his sheepfold.  Despite the socio-economic uncertainties and political upheavals in our country, the civil war in Mindanao, the terrible disasters which devastated our brothers and sisters in the Visayas, like the Bohol earthquake and super typhoon ‘Yolanda’ or ‘Haiyan’,  he never fails to watch over us and protect the members of the Pauline Family.  It is but fitting that we express our heartfelt gratitude to Jesus, Master-Shepherd, our sole refuge and strength, by coming together as a family to celebrate in a simple way the Feast of our Blessed Founder, James Alberione, in solidarity with the rest of our suffering countrymen at present.

The annual gathering for this feast has been one of the favorite celebrations of the sons and daughters of Blessed Alberione in the Philippines, namely:  the Society of St. Paul (SSP), the Daughters of St. Paul (FSP), the Pious Disciples of the Divine Master (PDDM), the Sisters of Jesus Good Shepherd ‘Pastorelle’ (SJBP),  the Institutes of our Lady of the Annunciation (IOLA), of St. Gabriel the Archangel (ISGA), of Jesus the Priest (IJP), of the Holy Family (ISF), and the Association of Pauline Cooperators (APC). 

After having been deepened and nourished in our common journey of faith the whole year through by the Pauline Family recollections, workshops and conferences organized in line with the celebration of the Centenary of the Pauline Family, the challenge for us now, children of Alberione, is to nurture this communion by coming together as a family. Despite our uniqueness and individual differences, we reach out to share our gifts, to bond and enjoy in simplicity each other’s company as brothers and sisters to one another.  
This year’s celebration of the Feast of Blessed Alberione was held on November 24, 2013 (the nearest Sunday to the death anniversary of Blessed James Alberione) at Jesus Good Shepherd School Gymnasium, Imus, Cavite. It was the Pastorelle Sisters’ turn to take charge of the preparations in collaboration with the rest of the members of the Pauline Family who presided and concelebrated at the Eucharistic Celebration, took charge of the choir and contributed the special prizes for the honorees and winners of the Group Games.
The youngest priest in the Pauline Family, Rev. Fr. John Klen Malificiar, SSP, the main presider and homilist of the day, fittingly summed up and heightened the three-fold celebrations of the day: the Solemnity of Christ the King, the Closing of the Year of Faith and the Feast of Blessed James Alberione.  On this Feast of Christ the King, he led us reflect on Jesus in the Gospel who even in the most extreme situation allows God’s mercy to be felt by forgiving the Good Thief—challenging us to make every circumstance, even the humblest, least preferred and expected, an opportunity to make Him known. Likewise, Blessed James Alberione’s own struggles in life to remain faithful to the ideals of St. Paul to give Jesus-Way, Truth and Life to the whole world, continues to challenge us to concretize the new expressions of handing down the faith in the best way that will usher us to a life of deep communion with God and be effectively responsive to the cry of His People in our own time. 

As Pauline Family about to celebrate our centennial year, how are we to strain forward utilizing the accumulated vast richness of Primo Maestro’s legacy to reap a bountiful harvest for another century in a ‘selfie’ generation?

More than ever we need to unite, “if the enemy finds us alone, he will defeat us one by one.”  (AD 17)


Pastorelle Sisters

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marina de jesus villamil

01/12/2013 | 03:41

Que hermoso el espiritu de unidad de la Familia Paulina en el mundo. Felicidades

Sr Rita

30/11/2013 | 15:30

A truly Family Celebration! Thank you for sharing some of its highlights with all of us.


30/11/2013 | 09:30

que fete belle! Merci pour votre presence parmi le peuple! vous etes courageuse et nos donne la joie de vedere tante bien!

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