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Catechist Mass – Congratulations Sr Ignacia

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 12/11/2013

6 commentario(i) ...

Catechists from the archdiocese who completed the Catechist Diploma Course received diplomas. Coordinators who completed the Certificate in Coordinating Parish Religious Education Programs also received certificates. And Catechists who completed the Catechist Certificate in Theology received certificates too.
Among the group of Catechists present at the Mass was our Sr Ignacia Coching who was one of two who received all three Certificates. When Archbishop Hart shook hands with her at the end of Mass, he said “Well done, Sister”. Indeed, Ignacia has done well and we too congratulate and praise her for her commitment to further studies to be ever better qualified for her pastoral ministry.
The celebration was attended by some our good Cooperators Friends of Jesus Good Shepherd who are also involved in catechetics, and many other people.
Presently, as part of her pastoral ministry in St Francis parish, Mill Park, Sr Ignacia helps with the RCIA program (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) which is a an integral part of the life of the Church and the normal way of preparing adults for the Sacraments of Initiation; a life giving and revitalising experience not only for the individual, but for the parish that welcomes them. This year there are twelve men and women in St Francis’ parish preparing to be received in the Church at the Easter Vigil in 2014.

We are ever mindful of the vision of our Founder for us: “The Pastorelle will be the sisters, the mothers, the teachers, the catechists, the consolers… a continuous presence of light and kindness in the parish”, and pray for his intercession that we may be faithful to our mission in the Church and that other young women may join us. 
Sr Ignacia  came to Australia from the Philippines just over two years and in this time has shown great openness of heart and the ability to listen and to get to know and love the new reality she is now part of.


sr Mary la Bruna

Leggi i commenti

Sr. Marnie

25/11/2013 | 15:00

Congratulations Sr. Neng...we continue to pray for one another...we miss you!

Martino Cometti

23/11/2013 | 13:34

Congratulations and well done Sister Ignaçia for this great christian milestone in your already "contaminating Ministry"! Jesus The Good Shepherd has now come deeper into your heart by smiling at you as He is proud to have chosen you to be another of His Pastorelles! Keep up the good work and God bless you now and forever!!!

Sr. Candida De Angelis

13/11/2013 | 03:39

Dear Sr. Ignacia, Congratulations and many blessings for your courage and enthusiasm on doing things that make you more capable to serve Jesus Good Shepherd`s people.


13/11/2013 | 03:04

Congratulations,neng! I am very happy for you. Let us continue to share God's love to his people. God bless.je

sr. marita,sjbp

13/11/2013 | 00:49

Congratulations Sister Ignacia/Neng! All the best to you and to your ministry.Let us prsy for each other and for those entrusted to our care. Jeus Good Shepherd and Mama Mary bless us and guide us in our ministry. Love & prayers, Sr marits


12/11/2013 | 18:05

Congratulazioni per la nuova meta raggiunta. Questo ti da una nuova qualifica per essere ancora più di aiuto nell'apostolato pastorale ed aiutare i fratelli e sorelle che incontrerai nel tuo cammino per e nell fare conoscere ed amare il Buob Pastore. Congratulazioni! Con Affetto e preghiere Sr.Tarcisia Magarotto

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