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Philippine Conference on the New Evangelization

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 23/10/2013

1 commentario(i) ...

Twenty years ago, the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines (PCP II), envisioned a renewed integral evangelization in the Church in the Philippines. This Church in South East Asia, the Archdiocese of Manila in particular, participated in the journey of the universal Church towards new evangelization by organizing the Philippine Conference on the New Evangelization (PCNE) convened by His Eminence, Luis Antonio G. Cardinal Tagle, to conclude the Celebration of the Year of Faith.

On October 16-18, 2013, at the University of Sto. Tomas, Manila, this milestone in the Church’s journey aimed not only to reawaken PCP II’s vision for a renewed integral evangelization, but more so, to respond concretely to her call through the XIII Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization for the Transmission of Faith “to live our communitarian experience of faith in a renewed way and to proclaim it through an evangelization that is “new in its ardor, in its methods, in its expressions”, as John Paul II admonished.

The Philippine Conference on the New Evangelization opened with the Procession and Enthronement of the Crucifix immediately followed by “Misa ng Bayang Pilipino” (Cultural Eucharistic Celebration) presided by His Eminence, Luis Antonio G. Cardinal Tagle. Approximately 5,000 delegates from the different Dioceses of the Philippines and other Asian Countries were gathered out of which 8 Pastorelle Sisters from the different communities were privileged to participate in these three spirit-filled days of praying . . . celebrating . . . learning and journeying on mission together during the different sessions of the three phases of the Conference. 

The theme of the first day conference, - “Come and See” (John 1:39) Personal Encounter with Jesus, emphasized the true renewal of the Church which begins with a personal relationship with Christ. It takes off with a personal encounter, deepening our friendship and entering into communion with Him.  

The second day conference had for its theme, - “Stay With Us” (Luke 24:29) Communion with Jesus in the Church through the Word and Eucharist, focused on the disciples’ experience of the Risen Christ at Emmaus whereby during the Breaking of the Bread while remaining with them, the Lord led them to a more intense experience of communion with Himself . . . befriended them . . . gave them meaning . . . hope . . . and renewed enthusiasm in life. This Emmaus event becomes our experience today according to the Synod Father, “this divine Word, heard and celebrated in the Liturgy of the Church, particularly in the Eucharist . . . is the best school of the faith.”  

Finally, the third day theme on “Duc in Altum” – “Go ... and Preach the Gospel to the Whole Creation” (Mission and Spirituality) stressed Jesus’ last encounter with Peter as He ordered Him to go into the deep and gave him the mission to be a fisher of men. In every authentic encounter with the Lord there is mission. True friendship with Jesus entails to be sent to proclaim the Good News.

In his message, Cardinal Tagle stressed: “The PCNE is our common contribution to the Year of Faith and its call for a New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Faith. This spiritual – ecclesial – missionary assembly hopes to be a resounding affirmation that “God makes all things new.” Renewal is God’s gift in Jesus Christ. It is God’s project more than ours. Our role is to listen intently to the promptings of the Holy Spirit evoked by the Word of God, the life of the Church and the realities in our contemporary world.”

Pope Francis’ message at the concluding ceremony further affirmed: “Through this Conference I hope you would experience again the loving presence of Jesus in your lives, that you would love the Church more and you would share the Gospel to all people with humility and joy. Don’t get tired of bringing the mercy of the Father to the poor, the sick, the abandoned, the young people and families…”

PCP II envisioned us, Filipino Catholics, to be a Community-in-Mission that “exists for the world . . . sent on mission to proclaim the Good News of Christ and to be the instrument of his grace.” Truly God was in our midst throughout the Assembly . . . inspiring . . . . enlightening . . . and strengthening His People to renew our faith courageously, and joyfully give our “new yes” to evangelization as Filipinos! 

Sisters of Novitiate Community

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24/10/2013 | 10:18

Congratulations for having the privilege to participate in the New Evangelization conference. May we truly become a Church for the poor.

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