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In thanksgiving for the 75th anniversary of our Foundation

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 16/10/2013

2 commentario(i) ...

The communities of Bundoora and Thomastown have marked the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Foundation of our Congregation with three main events: the Triduum from the Generalate which gave us the opportunity of revisiting our Congregational and personal stories with a spirit of gratitude, sorrow for our shortcomings and trust and hope for the future; a day of reflection on 5 October which began with the celebration of the Eucharist with Fr Anthony Girolami, parish priest of St. Francis of Assisi parish where our Sr. Ignacia cooperates in the ministry of pastoral care; and on Sunday, 6 October, the celebration of a paraliturgy with a group of young people and some parents, focusing on thanksgiving. 
As part of the paraliturgy, Sr. Nelia, with the help of some teenagers, dramatized the Gospel of John 10:1-18 rendering tangible the closeness and care of the Good Shepherd for us. During the prayer we also drew attention to the presence of Sr. Cesarina and Sr. Letizia who are both in their mid eighties and have been Pastorelle Sisters for 60 of the 75 years since the Pastorelle Sisters had their origin at Genzano (RM) in 1938, and are among the pioneer Sisters in Australia. Sr. Letizia shared the story of how Fr. Alberione asked her to come to Australia in 1957 and the response she made in obedience and pure faith.  Sr. Cesarina gave a blessing to the group, stressing that all blessings come from God, as the concluding ritual of the paraliturgy. The celebration continued over a lovely afternoon tea that friends had kindly prepared for us.
All three events have given us joy and strengthened our resolve to continue to live and share the gift of the pastoral charism given to the Church through Blessed James Alberione.
We pray: Jesus, eternal Shepherd of our souls, send good labourers into your vineyard!

Sr. Mary La Bruna

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sr. brenda

23/10/2013 | 04:47

It's nice to see your celebration even just in pictures. It would have been nice if I was there...Well done!


17/10/2013 | 02:55

Wow, that's HSS, where I belong. I am proud to be a part (in absentia) of that lovely celebration. Congrats to all involved in the preparation. Alleluia to JGS.

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