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Apostleship of the Sea (AOS) Celebrates 18th National Seafarers’ Day

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 16/10/2013

2 commentario(i) ...

September 29, 2013, marked the 18th National Seafarers’ Day, an annual event organized by the Apostleship of the Sea in cooperation with the Philippine Ports Authority and other government and non-government groups.  This is to recognize the valuable contributions of one of the groups of the unsung heroes of our country, the Filipino seafarers. 

The day opened with an Ecumenical Memorial Rite to commemorate and honor all the deceased seafarers. Their names, written in the Book of Remembrance, was blessed to entrust to the Lord those who have died whether through sickness, accident on board, unfair treatment, torture and other kinds of injustice or negligence on the part of the principals or ship-owners, and those who are still missing due to known or unknown causes. The blessing and throwing of wreath and flowers into the sea by the bereaved family members was also done as an expression of their love and gratitude for their departed seafarers. This gesture expresses trust that in God’s mercy and omnipotence, there is no distance, nor time, nor ocean, but a mutual waiting for the eternal reunion. Likewise, it was a fitting occasion to commend anew to the Father’s protection all seafarers from all harm, injuries and death as they sail the seas of the world and are brought safely back home to the loving embrace of their dear ones.

The festive part of the celebration was kicked off with the upbeat parade led by the maritime students from Rajah Sulayman Park to Ninoy Aquino Stadium in Manila, where about 5,000 participants composed of maritime students, maritime agencies, seafarers and their families were gathered. The program featured a fancy drill by students of the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy, the awarding of the winners of the different contests: Photo Contest Exhibits, On-the-spot Art Contest, Oratorical Contest, Karaoke Challenge and the Awarding of the 2013 Top Ten Maritime Students of the Philippines.
This year’s event has as its theme: "Marinong Pilipino: Patuloy ang Pag-unlad." (Filipino Seafarers: Onward Progress) to focus on the growing presence of Filipino Mariners in the global maritime industry with its huge number of 700,000 registered Filipino seafarers deployed all over the world, comprising about a third of the global maritime fleet. Aside from the positive impact to the national economy, the guest speaker, Vice President of the Philippines, Jejomar Binay, acknowledged the Filipino seafarers’ excellent technical knowledge and skills which continue to bring honor and praise to our country because the world knows they are a cut above the rest.
The Seafarers’ Day was highlighted by the Eucharistic Celebration presided by His Eminence, Luis Antonio Cardinal G. Tagle, Archbishop of Manila, The Cardinal’s homily was centered on two important points: First, that as the seafarers progress in life, they should carry in their hearts their needy neighbors too. Second, that wherever they sail, to bring with them the Word of God. Whenever they feel lonely at sea, confused, and are passing through turbulent waters, the Word of God will be their surety. Believe firmly that in each one’s journey, Jesus is our Chief Mariner who will lead us to our last port, where one day we will all meet our Heavenly Father.

Sisters of Broadway Community

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17/10/2013 | 02:59

Your involvement at the Pastoral Care for Seafarers is very relevant, the Pastorelle are really sisters and mothers of the flock at all areas. God bless you sisters.

Sr Mary & Sisters

16/10/2013 | 13:11

What a beautiful celebration to honour the Seafarers, the deceased as well as the living. Our gratitude and respect for all Seafarers for their service to the world and our prayer that they may be safe and always treated with great dignity.

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