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Pauline Communities in Melbourne celebrate the feast of St Paul

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 06/07/2013

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On Sunday 30th June, members of the Pauline Family in Melbourne gathered together in the chapel of the Daughters of St Paul in East Hawthorn for a paraliturgy to mark the feast of St Paul the apostle.

Sr Rosanna led the prayer which began with the familiar hymn Our Way our Truth our Life. Mindful that we are in the Year of faith, the Pauline Profession of faith was at the heart of the prayer*.

It is a longstanding tradition for the Pauline communities in Melbourne to celebrate together one of the each’s particular Congregational feast. Therefore, the Sister Disciples of the Divine Master are the hosts on the feast of the Divine Master at the end of October; the Pastorelle Sisters on the feast of Jesus Good Shepherd, and we usually gather in St Damian’s parish Church to commemorate the anniversary of death of Bl. James Alberione. The Pauline Cooperators are also invited to join in the prayer. It is a lovely way to celebrate our being Pauline Family and it is a source of mutual support and encouragement.

Every prayer meeting is followed by a light refreshment and time to catch up on some of the significant events that touch the life of the communities.

Sr Mary La Bruna, sjbp

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