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Pastorelle Sisters celebrate Diamond and Silver Jubilees

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 06/07/2013

4 commentario(i) ...

On Sunday 23 June, at the parish of St. Damian’s Bundoora, just under three hundred people joined the Pastorelle Sisters to celebrate the religious commitment of three of their Jubilarians.

Sr. Anna Genovese was celebrating 50 years, while Sr. Cesarina Paolini and Sr. Letizia Selle were celebrating 60 years of Religious Life.

Natives of Italy: Sr Anna from Avellino, in the Campania Province, Sr. Cesarina from Lentella, in the Chieti Province and Sr. Letizia from Tiser, Agordo, in the Belluno Province, they have offered their lives to the Lord as Sisters of Jesus Good Shepherd “Pastorelle” and served him and his people in Australia for many years. Sr. Anna since March, 1976 and Sr. Cesarina and Sr. Letizia, since November, 1957.

The three sisters have enjoyed collaborating with many priests over these years (ten of whom concelebrated at the Eucharist at Bundoora and others who celebrated amongst the congregation) and with many people from various parishes and organisations. They were overjoyed to have so many old friends join them for the celebration. Fr Ruben Areño SSP was the principal celebrant.

Young people from St. Damian’s and other parishes participated in the Liturgy and in preparing beautiful decorations and refreshments in the hall.

As we watched a power point showing the sisters involvement from when they were young women to the present, it was obvious that life has been good for them in Australia and they in turn have been good for so many families here.
The sisters expressed their thanks to God for all the love they have received in their lives and especially for the vocation as Pastorelle that was granted to them.

Homily by Fr Ruben Areno,ssp

Sr Doreen Bentley, sjbp

Leggi i commenti

Sr Millicent Omondi

07/11/2013 | 20:58

Auguri sorelle! Stavo per cercare la vostra storia sull'internet, e ho visto questa pagina. Sto insegnando le nostre novizie sulla storia della famiglia paolina. Sono una figlia di san Paolo in Africa, Kenya. Benvenute anche in Kenya! Mi potete mandare qualchecosa, sopratutto l'inizio della vostra congregazione? Grazie tanto per l'aiuto! Auguroni! Sr Millicent Omondi, fsp

Sr Rita

10/07/2013 | 18:26

What a wonderful celebration of being Pastorella- women dedicated, as members of a religious community, in journeying and forming the faith community- especially of the Parish. Thank you for your life!

Sr. Lily Ann C. Santos

10/07/2013 | 14:31

Congratulations, Sisters Letizia, Cesarina and Anna. I'm sorry for the very late greeting. It's been 2 weeks that we did not have the internet connection that's why I was not able to open my mails. Our prayers for you are never too late to go up to heaven for your most cherished wishes. All the best to all of you direct from the Heart of our Good Shepherd!

Sr. Brenda

10/07/2013 | 08:42

Congratulations to the three beautiful, faithful sisters of HSS. I am so happy to see this event even if it is just in pictures. I am so sorry I missed it. This might be a late comment as i had been everywhere but you know that I am very much one with you especially during the celebration. All the very best to especially to the three!

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