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Celebrating the feast of Jesus Good Shepherd

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 24/04/2013

1 commentario(i) ...

and the 50th World Day of Prayer for Vocations
On Sunday 21 April, in communion with the universal Church and with all the Pastorelle Sisters throughout the world, we gathered together in our chapel at Bundoora with about 45 Cooperators Friends of Jesus Good Shepherd to celebrate our Congregational feast and pray for Vocations. 
Sr Mary welcomed everyone to the happy occasion and remembered the Friends who couldn’t be present due to illness or ageing. Special mention was also made of Angie Bongiorno, one of our well respected pioneers Cooperator who has passed away, and Sr Emma Garol FSP who also died recently.
After the welcome, the paraliturgy began with a hymn to the Good Shepherd followed by the reading of John 10:27-32, time for personal reflection, sharing of insights and a prayer for Vocations. Sr Estelita then spoke briefly on the centrality of the person of Jesus Good shepherd in our life and the importance of imitating Him and living a life that reflects the goodness and compassion of the Good Shepherd for all.
The highlight of the afternoon was the testimony from one of our much loved Cooperators, Val Malavisi who was accompanied by her husband Italo. Val shared her story of faith and love from the time she met Italo to this very day when they will be celebrating their 56th anniversary of marriage.  They have raised five beautiful children and have many grandchildren. Faith and trust in God has been the constant refrain along their journey; it has carried them through all the joys and suffering, the highs and the lows of their life together, and empowered them to be apostles and reach out to others like the good shepherd.
Val emphasized the fact that it was through her association with the Pastorelle Sisters in St Luke’s parish, Lalor since the 1970s, and their encouragement, that she began to take an active role in the parish. She felt that the Sisters believed in her and affirmed her gifts, and pointed her in the direction of further theological formation which she has shared generously in her role as member of the parish “Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults” team (RCIA). Val developed a great love for the pastoral mission and became one of our first Cooperators; a good listener and support to many parishioners in their time of need.  Presently, she has also replaced Sr Letizia in her role as coordinator and secretary of the Italian Pensioners’ Group.
At the end of Val’s testimony, people had the opportunity of responding and asking questions. We all appreciated and were moved by her story and applauded her warmly.
We concluded the session by praying together the chaplet to Jesus Good Shepherd. Refreshments followed.

Sr Mary La Bruna, sjbp

Leggi i commenti

sr Rita

24/04/2013 | 17:53

What a meaningful manner to celebrate goodshpeherd day and the 50th anniversary of World day of prayer for Vocation by having Sr Estelita and Val Malavisi sharing their experiences in following Christ in the vocation that they have been called. It is a joy to note the wonderful witness given and shared.

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