Faith that expresses itself in love
Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan
Inserita il: 29/03/2013
1 commentario(i) ...
Faith that expresses itself in love (Gal. 5:6)
Our Cooperators, Friends of Jesus Good Shepherd, and their love for the poor
Our Cooperators, Friends of Jesus Good Shepherd, and their love for the poor
On Sunday 3 March, in Our Lady Queen of Peace parish, our Cooperators, Friends of Jesus Good Shepherd, held their first Mission Lunch for the year; a lovely way of highlighting the 30th anniversary of presence of the Pastorelle Sisters in the parish, and celebrating the shared journey of faith and service over the years.

The Mission lunch is one of many activities with which our Cooperators participate in our pastoral mission of building the community and reaching out to the poor: “faith that expresses itself in love” (Gal 5:6).
The Mission Lunch is held twice a year and the proceeds go to support the Feeding Program run by our Sisters in the Philippines. It attracts many parishioners as well as people from other parishes. During the meal there was a brief presentation and display of photos of the Feeding Program.
I had the privilege of attending the lunch myself and of witnessing all the hard work on the part of the Cooperators that goes into making the event happen. All things needed for the lunch are donations and all the preparations, cooking, serving and cleaning after the event is done by the Cooperators and other volunteers. The event also provides the opportunity for people to work together, and to strengthen their sense of belonging and reaching out to others.
Yes, it is the spirit of Holy Thursday that is very much alive; the holy night in which Jesus showed how perfect his love for us was. Sr Candida and Sr Anna and the Friends of Jesus Good Shepherd, with the unfailing support of their parish priest, Fr Allan Winter, walk together in the footsteps of Jesus and his commandment to love one another, a love that is real, a love that reaches beyond borders.
Sr. Mary La Bruna
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Sister Maria Rita Siochi, SJBP
02/04/2013 | 07:20
Wonderful and inspiring Faith testimony. Thank you Sr. Mary for this information.
Congratulations to Sisters Candy & Anna and the Friends of Jesus Good Shepherd. Keep up the good work. All the best and Jesus Good Shepherd Resurrected bless you and your families.
With this activity you have shown your Missionary zeal by following his commandment to love one another as He has loved for the needy children children of the Philippines.