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Entrance to the Aspirancy

Regione Corea

Inserita il: 26/03/2013

5 commentario(i) ...

Entrance to the Aspirancy of NA  EUN  JUNG  IA
March 18, 2013
Mubong-ri Formation House
During a Eucharistic Celebration at the Mubong-ri Formation House, NA EUN JUNG IA was officially accepted as an Aspirant. Ia is the older of the two daughters of Mr. & Mrs. Na Sung Wook. She was born in the famous Jeju Island in South Korea. Ia has known the Pastorelle Sisters for about 6 years before finally making the decision to enter the Congregation.
After the Mass, there was a simple lunch for those present and a simple program followed. During the program, Rev. Fr. Ignacio Hwang, SSP, who presided the Mass, sang his own composition.
Present during the occasion were Sr. Teresa An, the delegate superior and some sisters coming from the different communities, the parents of Ia and her aunt and uncle and some cooperators of the Pastorelle Sisters.
Some of those who were present joined the most welcoming and relaxing walk at the Sanjo Lake and Herb Island nearby. It was a full and meaningful day for Ia and for all those who showed her support in the new journey that she decided to follow.

Pastorelle Sisters of Korea Delegation

Leggi i commenti

Albina Bosio

29/03/2013 | 20:10

Tanti auguri. Che il Signore benedica il tuo SI e ti dia la garazia di corrispondere al auo amore. Tii ricordo nella preghiera. Sr Albina

Ir. Jeane

27/03/2013 | 12:51

Querida jovem aspirante, meus parabéns pela coragem de responder esse SIM ao chamado de CRISTO BOM PASTOR na congregação das IRMÃS PASTORINHAS, te desejo muita felicidade em seu caminho de entrega da vida ao Deus que te chama à participar de sua vida e missão!

Pastorelle Australia

27/03/2013 | 11:22

This is very good news! We rejoice with you, our Sisters of the Korea Delegation, in welcoming la into our Religious Family and will keep her in our prayer.

Sr Rita

27/03/2013 | 10:57

Welcome among the Pastorelle La. It is a joy to see you with you, your family, Sisters and friends. May your jorney in knowing the Good Shepherd and the wonderful Charism of Pastoral care of the pastorelle Sisters grow in your heart and mind day by day.

suor rosaria

26/03/2013 | 23:36

Ia 자매님 입회축하합니다. 우리 수녀원에 와서 보시고 좋은 견엄 할수 있끼를 기도하겠습니다!

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