Praying with Young People
Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan
Inserita il: 25/03/2013
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The Way of the Cross with Diamond Valley Deanery Youth
On Saturday 16th March, young people from the Diamond Valley Deanery gathered together in St Damian’s Church, Bundoora, to reflect on the Way of the Cross and how our lives are caught up in the mystery of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus today. This was followed by the Eucharistic celebration with the wider community. Parishes and Catholic Colleges from the Deanery were represented, as well as members from the Youth for Christ group and representatives from the Archdiocesan Office for Youth.

Sr Nelia and Sr Ignacia, together with the leaders from St Damian’s Seekers Youth Group, and other youth leaders were responsible for organizing the prayer, the Mass and the entertainment that followed afterwards.
Gathering young people for the Eucharist is an event that the Deanery Youth leaders have promoted for some time now and it happens on a rotation system about four times a year. Attendance varies but it is encouraging to see new faces at every celebration. Each time the Youth Deanery Cross is handed over to the leaders of the parish where the next Youth Mass will be held.
The prayer of the Way of the Cross was a new initiative this year. The group met outside the church for the welcome and introduction and processed in singing Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom! Each Station was presented by a particular Deanery group and everyone joined in very prayerfully. The event was appreciated and well participated by all so much so that it will become a Diamond Valley Deanery tradition for the Youth to gather during Lent for the “Via Crucis”.
Praying with Scriptures: Lectio Divina
On Saturday 23 March, a small group of young women gathered in our chapel, together with Sr Ignacia and Sr Mary, for lectio divina using the passion narrative according to St Luke. Only two of the young women had met before and it was amazing to experience how the Word connected us and opened our hearts to share quiet deeply.
Lectio divina is offered in our house once a month as an occasion for young people to experience praying with the Scriptures and also to meet with us.
Sr. Mary La Bruna