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Awesome to Behold

Provincia Filippine - Australia - Saipan - Taiwan

Inserita il: 24/12/2012

1 commentario(i) ...

On December 8, 2012 – Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, twenty pupils of Jesus Good Shepherd Development Center in Lingayen, Pangasinan received Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time at the Alberione Chapel. In their immaculately white Gala uniform the first Communicants appeared like little angels that made the celebration quiet heavenly --- so awesome to behold!
Teachers and parents worked hand in hand to prepare the children for this important day! The following programs were followed: everyday 30 minutes classroom Catechesis on Sacraments specially Confession and Holy Eucharist, weekend home and family activity on faith, weekends family visits by the teachers, Pilgrimage with parents to seven (7) historical churches in the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan --- the priests in the parishes that we visited were all kind, good and accommodating that they narrated to us the history of the parish, town and the constructions of the church buildings, we prayed in every church led by the assigned parents. The Confession was done on December 6.
When asked about their experiences during the preparation days, many of the children answered that they are happy and grateful to know the history of some churches in the Archdiocese and that they now admire the works of missionaries in building communities and churches in the Archdiocese; that their first confession is a sacred experienced. Above all they feel happy to belong to the Church, so as to learn, to know and to grow in their faith and to love Jesus and others.
Fr. Francis C Posadas our Parish Moderator gave all his support and was always available whenever his presence was requested in the school. 
After the Eucharistic celebration a simple table fellowship took place at the Alberione Formation Center.

The Sisters of the Community of Lingayen

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Idelina Cabral de Assis

25/02/2013 | 10:54

Lindo movimento com as criancas

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