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Novena in preparazione alla Festa di Gesù Buon Pastore

Inserita il: 22/04/2020

3 commentario(i) ...

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Sr Marita Siochi

25/04/2020 | 03:33

Advance Happy Feast of Jesus Good Shepherd. We are one with you in encountering suffering humanity in prayerful supplication that Jesus Good Shepherd have mercy on us and stop the pandemic COVID 19.

Ma. Veronica Gungon

24/04/2020 | 02:02

Remembering all the Pastorelle Sisters all over the world as we make the novena for the Feast of the Good Shepherd. In this trying times, with one heart and mind and in solidarity with the humanity, we keep the fire burning which is the love of the Good Shepherd to shine even in our small and simple way. God bless us all!

Sr. Ales Paz O. Pamplona, SJBP

23/04/2020 | 09:44

Thank you for sending us the novena for the Feast of Jesus Good Shepherd, especially to the sisters of Pemba-Mozambique Community and the Generalate Community. The general and daily themes are very relevant amidst the present health crisis in the world. This novena will surely help us to celebrate a meaningful and fruitful Feastday. Easter Greetings also from the Philippines!

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Suore di Gesù buon Pastore – Pastorelle

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